Mouth breathing is bad for your health: here are the most common risks

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Eighty percent of people breathe poorly without knowing it. Nasal trauma or a malformation already existing at birth can lead to respiratory dysfunction of varying degrees, particularly the habit of breathing through the mouth kept open: this behavior can often promote the onset of allergy symptoms, sinusitis, and frequent sore throats and coughs.

It is well known how those who breathe only through their mouths are more likely to develop phlogistic pathologies of the first airways, which can escalate into more severe gill, lung and sometimes cardiac disorders. Nocturnal disorders afflict an enormity of people: they range from the trivial snoring (snoring), to the far more serious sleep apnea which causes daytime sleepiness, the cause of road and work accidents.

In children, mouth breathing often creates not only asthmatic problems, but also adversely affects the development of the dental arches and the shape of the face in general. So many athletes are limited in performance by nasal hypoventilation, which sets the stage for frequent rhinobronchial cooling episodes.

This is often alleviated by regular use of vasoconstrictor nasal sprays, which have a number of side effects such as, for example, the rebound effect, damage to the nasal mucosa, and increased blood pressure. In fact, these products are absolutely contraindicated in hypertensive patients, heart patients and children under 12 years old, as they can also cause neurological problems.

So to feel good and fit it is essential, you know, to breathe well and the nose plays an essential role in ensuring good oxygenation.

To help the nose breathe well, Otosan has developed a range of products, medical devices, specifically with natural, innovative and effective formulations for both adults and children. Based on active plant ingredients and natural molecular complexes, they do not contain pharmacological substances and do not cause side effects such as those mentioned above.

The range of products dedicated to "a nose that breathes" includes Otosan Nasal Spray , Otosan Nasal Spray Baby , Otosan Nasal Wash and Otosan Balsamic Patch , find out all the features and benefits by clicking directly on the names.

Gama pentru NAS

Otosan Plasture Aromatic Natural

Oferă o ușurare a simptomelor nasului înfundat rapid și natural.

Plasturii balsamici Otosan pot fi ușor aplicati pe hainele și obiectele tale. Aceștia eliberează treptat vaporii aromatici și activi, cu efect asupra căilor respiratorii superioare.

Potrivit pentru adulți și copii, începând cu vârsta de 3 ani. Calmează congestia nazală, favorizând trecerea adecvată a aerului prin nas, în timpul zilei și în timpul somnului pe perioada nopții.

Pachetul include 7 plasturi

Autorizzazione Ministero della Salute del 29.05.12

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Dispozitiv medical CE.
Citiți cu atenție instrucțiunile și avertismentele înainte de utilizare.

Gama pentru NAS

Otosan Spray Nazal Baby

Promovează expulzarea excesului de mucus, ajutând la reducerea congestiei nazale și a inflamației.

Rezultatul cercetărilor noastre continue în domeniul otolaringologiei, Otosan® Spray Nazal Baby este un decongestionant nazal realizat cu ingrediente de origine vegetală, cu o formulă blândă care face ca acest produs să fie potrivit pentru copii.

Autorizzazione Ministero della Salute del 29.05.12

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Dispozitiv medical CE.
Citiți cu atenție instrucțiunile și avertismentele înainte de utilizare.

Gama pentru NAS

Otosan Spray Nazal

Spray nazal natural cu acțiune decongestionantă, util pentru desfundarea nasului înfundat.

Otosan Nasal Spray® arose from our constant and deep committment to develop natural products capable to offer a solution to several ENT conditions, which can often affect ears and nose at the same time.

Free from vasoconstrictors.

Autorizzazione Ministero della Salute del 29.05.12

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Dispozitiv medical CE.
Citiți cu atenție instrucțiunile și avertismentele înainte de utilizare.

Gama pentru NAS

Nasal Wash Otosan

Nasal wash ideal for daily nose hygiene and as a treatment for allergies, colds and sinusitis.

Otosan® Nasal Wash is useful in case of:

  • nasal congestion;
  • cold or allergic rhinitis;
  • acute and chronic sinusitis;
  • hypertrophic rhinitis during pregnancy;
  • snoring at night;
  • staying in dry or polluted environments;
  • exposure to fumes and irritants;
  • surgery (before and after);
  • daily cleansing of the nasal cavities.

Since it is constantly in contact with a large number of allergens, impurities and polluting dusts, keeping the nose clean and clear is the first step to prevent alterations of the mucous membrane of the nose (blocked nose, itching and dryness) and to allow correct airflow in the respiratory tract.

Autorizzazione Ministero della Salute del 29.05.12

Află mai multe

Dispozitiv medical CE.
Citiți cu atenție instrucțiunile și avertismentele înainte de utilizare.

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