Great Britain, a new step for Otosan

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Brighton, July 2018 – On 2017 Otosan strengthened its presence in the English market thanks to its range of products and its new sales channels. A few days ago a meeting with Otosan official distributor for UK was arranged in Brighton, East-Sussex county, in order to discuss this encouraging trend.


Following the good results obtained in UK, the company decided to introduce a new selling project that includes sales through specialized magazines and e-commerce. These new and successful ways of selling are complementary to the traditional channels: pharmacies and drug-stores specialized in selling natural products for people’s well-being.


In Great Britain Otosan has been marketing its products since 2000. During the first months of 2018, the sales trend rose, in particular because of Otosan Ear Spray, a product specifically developed to remove earwax and for a daily and gentle cleansing of the ear. In general, Otosan increased its export volume in the last two years, and England is confirming itself as one of the top business partner for the company.

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