Conference of ENT Society in Tirana, success for Otosan brand

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Tirana, 18-19/12/21 – The Conference of ENT Society in Tirana was a great showcase for Otosan brand.
Last 18th and 19th December 2021 at the Tirana International Hotel & Conference Centre thanks to the collaboration with the local commercial partner, Otosan presented its latest news in the ENT field and set up an exhibition stand.
Many ENT doctors from every area of the country attended the event, confirming the success of the two days, both in terms of numbers and positive interest in the latest news presented and the informative material distributed.
Otosan products entered into the Albanian market in 2019, immediately obtaining a good response, despite the difficulties given in recent years by the worldwide Covid-19 pandemic.
ATTENZIONE: Le informazioni riportate in questa pagina provengono da Fonti aziendali e sono pubblicate dopo attente verifiche delle fonti, scelte con cura e per quanto possibile aggiornate ed ufficiali, ma non devono essere considerate informazioni complete e universali, né è possibile garantire l’assenza di errori e la correttezza delle informazioni divulgate.
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