
Timp de citire: mai puțin de 1 minut
The blackcurrant, Ribes nigrum, is a native plant of the mountain regions of Eurasia. It grows spontaneously in Northern and Central Europe and in Northern Asia but it is also cultivated for culinary and therapeutic purposes. In phytotherapy, various parts of this plant, such as the leaves, buds, berries and seeds, are used to obtain many benefits.
Blackcurrant bud extracts, for example, are used for their anti-inflammatory and antihistamine properties.
The leaves, in the form of infusions and mother tinctures, have purifying and diuretic properties. The berries, which are particularly rich in flavonoids, are ideal for fragile capillaries and rosacea.
Curious facts
Like other plants with dark parts, although edible and with a sweet taste, in the past Ribes nigrum was considered to work wonders for all diseases and it was used to lift bad moods, especially melancholy.
Berries are used as a basic ingredient for the famous French liqueur “Crème de cassis” (Cassis being the French name for this fruit).
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