Portugal: sales up 37 percent in 2018

Temps de lecture: about 1 minute
Lisbon, Oct. 9, 2018 - Otosan continues to prove itself a growing brand in the natural health sector, capable of exporting its products to more than thirty countries around the world: including Portugal, where the brand enjoys a historical presence that, in recent times, has grown to the point where it has recorded particularly positive values.
Excellent, in fact, the sales results achieved in the first ten months of the year compared to the same period in 2017. As of October 31, 2018, the figures show an overall increase in sales of 37 percent, resulting in a growth in sales and turnover.
Numbers that served as the backdrop, last October 9, for a meeting with the local sales force held in Lisbon at the headquarters of the official Portuguese partner. There was great participation and great satisfaction with the results achieved. The goal is to continue to sustain this growth and make all Otosan references more and more readily available in the domestic market.
In Portugal Otosan has been present for several years in stores specializing in natural products. In addition to this recently sales have also started in pharmacies. All branded lines are marketed and available for natural health and well-being of the ear, nose and throat.
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