Meet Otosan at Cosmofarma!

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Bologna, 20/04/2018 – Otosan will be present at Cosmofarma Exhibition 2018, one of the most important event in the pharmacy sector. The 22nd edition of Cosmofarma will be held in Bologna from the 20th to the 22nd of April. The Exhibition is sponsored by Federfarma, in partnership with the “Cosmetici in farmacia” Group by Cosmetica Italia.
Otosan will be pleased to meet its partners and all the people interested in our project: offering natural products for the well-being of the ear, nose and throat. If you are interested in meeting us, please send us a message through the contact form.
Cosmofarma plays a main role in the pharmacy sector: its meetings, workshops, and booths attract more than 800 companies and 40,000 visitors every year. From the packaging design to the manufacturing division and pharmacies, the pharmaceutical chain is completely represented. This is the reason why the exhibition succeeds in creating new exclusive business opportunities.
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