Otosan participated in a medical conference in Opatija

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Opatija, 12th November 2017 – From 10th to 12th November, Otosan participated in the International Convention “Health and Prevention 2015-2030 Futur Z”, organised by the Croatian Medical Association at Royal Hotel in Opatija.
This Medical Conference in Opatija is on its first edition, and gives to doctors, helthacare professionals, nurses and representatives of the pharmaceutical sector the chance to discuss about health and prevention. At the meeting there were representatives of health authotity, national institutions, sanitary insurance companies, professional sanitary organizations, patients associations and Croatian media. A large number of booths were set up by the pharmaceutical industry.
Otosan showed its range of natural products for the treatment of disorders of the ears, nose and throat.
Otosan has been working in the Croatian market from several years, thanks to the partnership with a successful company. After the launch and the promoting of the latest new products, Otosan is increasing its presence in the markets abroad.
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