Greece and Cyprus, the first semester of 2018 up to +78%

Temps de lecture: about 1 minute
Athens, July 2018 – Strong increase for Otosan company in Greek and Cyprus Market this semester. Total sales quantity reached +78%, following a positive trend started last year (+66% from 2016 to 2017).
Otosan range is more and more chosen and appreciated in Greece, where a growing number of people is adopting these products for the treatment of disorders of the ears, nose and throat. Otosan local business partners manage to involve their patients thanks to targeted campaigns and scientific information addressed to doctors and pharmacists. To reinforce the great performance, Otosan marketing team went to Athens few weeks ago to meet the agents of its sales force and a group of ENT doctors and paediatricians.
After that meeting, Otosan marketing team travelled from Athens to Nicosia, the capital of Cyprus. Even there, statistics showed growing numbers and increasing revenues. Indeed, Otosan is present in the Cypriot market with its full range of products, thanks to the collaboration with a local important distributor.
The product that is showing the most surprising results is Otosan Nasal Wash, a nasal irrigation system that accelerates healing and favours mucociliary clearance, facilitating the recovery of the normal functions of the mucosa. Medical experience supported the effectiveness of nasal washes in contrasting pathologies related to the upper airways. Thanks to the addition of hyaluronic acid to its hypertonic solution, Otosan Nasal Wash accelerates the process of recovery of the nasal mucosa.
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