Expopharm 2018, come and discover Otosan products

Temps de lecture: moins d’1 minute
Munich, 10th-13th October 2018 – Come and discover Otosan products in one of the most important pharmaceutical exhibitions in Europe. The most cutting-edge solutions, developed for the natural well-being of the ear, nose and throat, will be shown at Otosan booth at Expopharm, in Munich, from the 10th to the 13th of October.
Expopharm is a point of reference for the German and International pharmacy sector, attracting in the “heart of Europe” thousands of healthcare professionals. Debates, conferences and presentations of new products and services will be held throughout the exhibition.
Otosan booth will be located in Hall B5, Booth A14. In this occasion, Otosan will introduce to professionals its range of products, already available in German drugstores.
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