Belgium: new meeting, new challenges

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Courtrai, 06/05/2018 – In Courtrai, Belgium, it was held the annual meeting between Otosan team and its Belgian business partner Eureka Pharma.
Eureka Pharma is the official Belux distributor of the Otosan range of products, specifically developed for the care of ears, nose and throat.
Otosan has exported its products to Belgium since 2014. “Otosan Natural Ear Drops” was the first product introduced in the Belgian market by the company. Thanks to its composition, including essential organic oils, propolis and blackcurrant, it is now a renowned solution for the ear care.
Today, Otosan has a very extensive involvement in the Belgian market, which is very competitive and challenging. The annual meeting with Eureka Pharma gave the chance to share information and strategies for this current year and to discuss the goals achieved.
Thanks to the hard work of the sales agents, Otosan products are now widely available in the local pharmacies and got a remarkable market share. Due to these positive results, the willing is to expand Otosan distribution in the neighbouring lands as well.
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