Vietnam, Otosan booth at ENT Congress in Ho Chi Minh City

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Ho Chi Minh City, 02/26/22 - "Covid-19" is the key word at the center of the Annual Congress of the Vietnamese Otolaryngology Society held on February 26, 2022 at the Convention Center in Ho Chi Minh City.
A prestigious showcase for Otosan products, thanks to the collaboration with the local commercial partner that set up the exhibition stand and present the latest Otosan innovations in the ENT field.
This year the congress focused on the Coronavirus Sars-Cov-2 disease, both in terms of prevention and treatment during and after the infection. Numerous otolaryngologists came from all over the country to discuss a topic of great interest.
In Vietnam Otosan has strengthened its presence in the last two years, despite the difficulties related to the pandemic crisis, thanks to a professional team and a team of over twenty scientific representatives.
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