At the Iraqi congress, success for products for Nose and Ear hygiene

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Erbil, 20-21 May 2021 - Otosan was one of the Main sponsors of the 3rd Iraqi Kurdistan Society of Otolaryngology - Head & Neck surgery International Conference held on 20-21 May at the scenic Rotana Hotel in Erbil, Iraq.
The seminar was well attended and attracted a great interest from ENT doctors from all over the country. Otosan's Commercial Partner in the Territory, chose to be one of the promoters of the two days of events and conferences, during which doctors and researchers discussed and presented the latest developments in the diagnosis and treatment of some of the main diseases affecting the ear, nose and throat.
In this particular year following the Covid-19 epidemic, the interest of the local scientific community was mainly focused on products for Nose and Ear hygiene.
Otosan entered the Iraqi market in 2017 and was immediately well received.
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