Sweet Almond Oil

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Used since ancient times for its highly emollient properties, Sweet Almond Oil softens wax to help ear cleansing. Extracted by cold pressing almond kernels, it is crystal clear and odourless with eudermic properties, namely, it improves the condition of the skin, is absorbed very easily and is rich in vitamin E, B and minerals. For this reason, it is often used in massage, especially for dry and sensitive skin and, since it is aromatised with essential oils, it is used to perfume the skin and as a basic ingredient for ointments and creams.
Curious facts
The almond tree, a very ancient plant from South-Western Asia, first appeared in its domestic form in the early Bronze Age (3000-2000 BC). It was grown mostly for its seed but it was also used in cooking and for cleansers and cosmetic products. The almond tree is deeply respected in many cultures and it is mentioned several times in the Bible.
Since ancient times, it has been a symbol of promise due to its early blossoming, interpreted as a sudden and rapid redemption of God for his people after a period of alleged abandonment
(winter). Moreover, in Israel it is one of the first trees to bloom at the beginning of February, coinciding with a celebration known as the “New Year of the Trees”: this is why in Hebrew its name means industrious or vigilant
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