Why we have a sore throat (almost always) in winter?

Reading time: about 3 minutes
A sore throat is probably one of the most annoying conditions the body can suffer from.
It is not particularly serious (although it is not to be overlooked) but it prevents one from going about everyday life peacefully as it causes a mild but persistent, constant and stinging pain that makes even the most basic functions such as speaking difficult and unpleasant.
When analysing this condition in more detail, one characteristic immediately stands out. In the common imagination, sore throat is linked to the cold and winter; its narrative often goes hand in hand with not having covered oneself sufficiently against low temperatures.
On reflection, there is actually some truth in all this: the time of year when this condition recurs most strongly and widely is precisely winter; it rarely happens to suffer from a sore throat in summer, and when it does, it is often due to ill-considered exposure to air conditioning and thus to the cold.
At this point the question arises: why is a sore throat related to cold and low temperatures? What causes it? Let's find out together!
To best answer the question, we must first explain what the mucociliary apparatus is and what its functions are.
The muco-ciliary apparatus of the upper respiratory tract is one of the main protective systems of the human organism. It consists of a set of vibratile cilia that play an essential role through their synchronised movement: they trap and remove pathogens or inflammatory substances. In fact, this system constitutes the first defence barrier of the respiratory tract.
These cilia, however, have an enemy: cold. Cold interferes with the thermoregulation system of the respiratory system, reducing the vascularisation of the cilia. As a result, the cilia's movement is significantly impaired, limiting their ability to counteract the take root of pathogens.
As if that were not enough, cold also lowers the temperature of the nasal cavity, allowing viruses and bacteria to find fertile ground, take root better and then spread through the body thanks to the debilitated vibratile cilia.
Another reason why cold is linked to sore throats concerns temperature changes.
The transition from a warm to a cold environment, not just prolonged exposure to cold, affects the body's thermoregulation system, impairing its ability to maintain a stable body temperature of around 37°C.
Changes in temperature prevent the body from adapting quickly, increasing the risk of respiratory diseases, especially in children, the elderly and people with serious medical conditions.
In those rare cases when we suffer from a sore throat in summer, it is precisely due to these temperature changes between very cold indoor rooms (due to air conditioning) and a high outside temperature.
Having ascertained the causes of sore throat and its correlation with the cold, it is now important to identify the remedies that can put an end to this unpleasant condition.
First of all, it is essential to cover yourself well and avoid sudden changes in temperature in order to prevent it, but if the sore throat does occur, a very popular remedy is the use of honey, which, if ingested, has a soothing effect on the reddened mucous membranes.
In the case of more persistent and localised pain, the use of sprays is also recommended to quickly relieve the pain.
They have emollient properties and are specially formulated for this condition.
In particular, there are some sprays with natural extracts designed to provide immediate relief thanks to the properties of ingredients found in nature.
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