Why are ear disorders increasingly common?

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In recent decades, ear disorders have become increasingly common among people of all ages.
Tinnitus (from which 15% of the European population suffers), hearing loss, ear infections and other hearing-related problems are on the rise globally.
But what are the causes of this growth? Several factors contribute to the spread of ear problems, including exposure to noise, prolonged use of audio devices, an ageing population and certain habits that are harmful to ear health.
One of the main factors behind the increase in ear disorders is constant exposure to high levels of noise. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), about 1.1 billion young people worldwide are at risk of developing hearing problems due to improper use of personal audio devices and exposure to excessive noise levels in contexts such as concerts, discos and noisy work environments.
Urban noise, generated by traffic, public works and crowded spaces, also contributes to stress on the auditory system.
With regard to the use of personal audio devices, earphones and headphones affect hearing health. A survey conducted by the WHO showed that around 50 per cent of people between the ages of 12 and 35 listen to music or other content at excessive volumes via personal devices.
Prolonged listening at volumes above 85 decibels can cause irreversible damage to the inner ear, leading to permanent hearing loss or disorders such as tinnitus.
Another factor causing the ever-increasing prevalence of ear disorders is the ageing population, as age-related hearing loss is a growing problem, especially in countries with a high life expectancy. According to data from the Istituto Superiore di Sanità, around 30% of people over 65 suffer from a form of hearing loss.
In addition to noise and age, a number of environmental and health factors contribute to the prevalence of ear disorders. Air pollution, especially exposure to toxic substances such as lead and industrial solvents, can impair hearing function. In addition, recurrent middle ear infections such as otitis along with systemic diseases such as diabetes and hypertension can adversely affect hearing.
Looking at the causes of these increasingly common ear disorders, what defences can we adopt to protect ourselves from them and prevent them?
It is important, for example, to reduce exposure time to loud sounds and to keep the volume of earphones below 60 per cent of maximum capacity. Wearing ear protectors in noisy environments can help limit damage from prolonged exposure to noise. In addition, having regular audiological check-ups, especially after the age of 50, allows for early detection and appropriate intervention.
Finally, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, with a balanced diet and good control of chronic diseases, contributes to hearing wellbeing and the prevention of ear problems.
Hearing health is no joke and ear disorders significantly worsen people's quality of life. We know this well at Otosan, who have been working in the ENT field for over 35 years, because hearing health also depends on correct information and increased awareness of the risks. For the well-being of hearing and - in the end - of the entire organism.
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