Water retention and swollen legs during the summer: what can be done about it?

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Summer is the season that many look forward to all year round: holidays, sun, fun, outdoor activities. Isn't everything more pleasant during the summer? However, there is a negative side that can occur: water retention and swollen legs.
During the summer, in fact, it is common to experience water retention problems, with swollen and heavy legs. These complaints are not only an aesthetic issue, but can also be a health problem. We discuss this topic in more detail in the following article.
Water retention
Water retention can manifest itself as a temporary blemish, caused by transient factors, hormonal changes, excess food or alcohol, and even heat to which our bodies are not yet acclimatised. On the contrary, cellulite is a degenerative condition that results, at least in large part, from water retention. For this reason, it is important to intervene early to prevent this difficulty of the body to dispose of excess fluid from becoming chronic.
Water retention occurs when there is an excessive accumulation of fluid between the cells, which is not properly distributed and is deposited in the tissues. It affects about 30% of women and the main symptom is oedema, a swelling caused precisely by stagnant liquids.
Water retention: causes
Water retention is often the result of an imbalance between potassium and sodium; when sodium is present in greater amounts than potassium, the body tends to retain more water. Causes also include:
- Unbalanced diet: diet plays a key role here, as an excess of salt and protein, along with insufficient water intake, can lead to water retention.
- Abuse of coffee and alcohol.
- Poor circulation.
- Taking medication for a prolonged period of time.
- Wearing clothes that are too tight.
How to contrast water retention and cellulite formation
Although water retention and cellulite have different underlying causes, it is easy to see how they influence each other. With appropriate measures, benefits can be had in both cases, such as:
- Foods with diuretic properties such as asparagus, pineapple, fennel, cauliflower to improve fibre intake and these two problems.
- Unsweetened diuretic and deflating herbal teas based on dandelion, fennel, birch.
- Fruits and vegetables with vitamins C and E to protect capillaries and produce collagen.
- Carry out physical activity that includes both aerobic and toning activities.
- Drink plenty of water.
Swollen legs
Swollen legs during the summer are caused by an abnormal accumulation of fluid in the body tissues, known in medicine as oedema. In particular, heat oedema occurs due to high temperatures: the heat causes the blood vessels to dilate and weakens the small valves that regulate blood flow, making it difficult for the veins to return blood to the heart.
This compromised circulation leads to fluid retention in the legs, as body fluids struggle to rise and tend to stagnate in the lower parts of the limbs (ankles, feet, wrists, hands) due to gravity. In short, leg swelling and water retention are closely related. This explains why, in hot weather, legs can become swollen and painful.
Swollen legs: remedies
- Reduce salt intake: sodium can increase water retention, so it is best to limit its consumption. It can be replaced by spices and herbs.
- Maintain good hydration: drinking enough is always important, especially in summer, when the body loses a lot of fluid through sweating. It is even more crucial for combating swollen legs, as it helps prevent fluid stagnation problems.
- Raise your feet if possible: during the lunch break or in the evening before going to bed, it is recommended to stand with your feet raised above heart level (e.g. by leaning them against a wall or chair).
- Stay active: A little physical activity such as walking, cycling or twisting the ankles is enough to relieve swelling.
- Wear compression stockings: useful during venous insufficiency.
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