To whom are nasal washes recommended?

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Taking care of nasal hygiene plays a crucial role in personal well-being, both from a hygienic and a therapeutic point of view. In fact, nasal washes are efficient in draining and decongesting the nasal cavities, promoting proper breathing, which is useful in both adulthood and childhood.
Let's find out why:
- In paediatric age: nasal washing is a valuable ally in facilitating breathing and clearing the airways of the youngest children, who are often not yet able to blow their own noses. This helps prevent potential complications related to the accumulation of mucus, which can become a vehicle for viral and bacterial infections. It is therefore recommended for use in cases of colds or simply as part of the daily hygiene routine.
- In adulthood: nasal washing is not only a practice for normal hygiene, but proves to be a valuable tool in the prevention and treatment of sinusitis, colds and allergies. It is particularly useful for those who spend a lot of time in closed, dry environments or who are exposed to dust and pollutants. In this way, nasal cleansing becomes an effective way to keep the respiratory system clean and clear, reducing the risk of problems related to unfavourable environmental conditions.
From what age can nasal washes be performed?
There is no single answer to this question, because each individual is different. Nasal washes can certainly be done from an early age, but only the paediatrician can advise when and how.
The benefits for those who perform nasal washes already as a child are many. A stuffy, congested nose is certainly a nuisance for young children, who, among other things, are unable to blow their noses effectively in the first years of life.
Clearly the practice of irrigation can be a bit annoying for children, so it is always better not to insist and in case of difficulty to try again when the child is calmer. After the age of 5-6 years, children usually also tolerate nose-washing more.
The benefits are the same as for adults. In particular, nasal washes in children are useful in cases of stuffy noses, colds, respiratory allergies and other problems characterised by excess mucus. They also allow daily cleansing and are a useful aid in clearing nasal cavities in the presence of mucus stagnation, which can cause sinusitis and ear pain.
How to choose the saline solution to be used?
Washings can be performed with isotonic or hypertonic saline solutions (depending on the degree of salt dissolved in water).
Isotonic solution (physiological):
- The so-called isotonic solution is a saline solution characterised by a concentration of salts and osmolarity similar to those in our body cells and fluids.
- It can be used up to twice a day, morning and evening.
- It helps eliminate mucus produced by the nose and helps remove impurities trapped in the nasal cilia during breathing.
- It performs a humidifying and decongestant action, valuable for eliminating excess mucus and clearing the nose, but also for performing complete daily hygiene of the nasal cavities.
Hypertonic solution:
- Hypertonic solution is a saline solution characterised by a higher concentration of salts and osmolarity than those in our body cells and fluids.
- The higher concentration of NaCl draws excess water into the cells of the nasal mucosa by an osmotic process, making the mucus more fluid and promoting its elimination.
- It has a greater decongestant effect, making it a useful support in cases of severe nasal congestion, sinusitis and intense colds.
- It can only be used for short periods because it can irritate the nasal mucous membranes more.
The paediatrician or family doctor will resolve any doubts: teaching how to cleanse the nose, indicating which saline solution to use and, finally, when mucus aspiration is indicated and how to perform it correctly.
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