The common cold: symptoms, differences with the flu and remedies
Reading time: about 3 minutes
Have you ever understood exactly what a cold is? Do you know how to distinguish it from the flu? Let's find out together. A cold is a contagious viral infection caused by more than 200 different viruses. Why contagious? Because cold viruses can spread through the air by sneezing and coughing or through contact with infected people or surfaces. It is possible to transmit the virus even the day before symptoms appear and continue to do so for several weeks.
What are the distinctive symptoms of a cold?
Cold symptoms can vary from individual to individual and generally occur between 1 and 3 days after being infected, reaching their peak 2-3 days after infection. Many of the symptoms that cause discomfort during a cold are actually the result of the immune system's attempts to eliminate the infection from the body.
But let's look in detail at some of the main symptoms:
- Runny nose: this is one of the initial symptoms of a cold and consists of the discharge of liquid secretions from the nose.
- Sneezing: occurs due to a runny nose and nasal congestion.
- Stuffy nose: appears once the cold is already in progress; it usually worsens during the first week. It is manifested by an accumulation of mucus and inflammation of the nasal mucous membranes. It is one of the most annoying symptoms of a cold. Even simple activities such as breathing suddenly become complicated and prevent sleep, disturbing sleep patterns.
- Sore throat: a dry, itchy feeling in the throat is often one of the first signs of the common cold and can develop into a sore throat.
- Cough: this is mostly a dry cough that may cause fatigue and prevent sleep.
- Tiredness: the common cold can cause fatigue, lack of energy and reduced mental clarity.
After a week, symptoms begin to subside; however, it is crucial to bear in mind that the virus can be transmitted even before symptoms appear.
What are the differences between cold and flu?
- Cause: cold and flu are both caused by a virus, so they are viral in origin.
- Runny nose and stuffy nose: common cold symptoms; rare flu symptoms.
- Sore throat: common cold symptom along with itching and dryness; sometimes present in influenza.
- Cough: symptom that initially presents in a dry form and then evolves into an oily cough in colds; common symptom of influenza in the form of an oily cough.
- Headache: rare symptom of a cold that may occur due to a stuffy nose; common symptom of influenza.
- Fever: rare symptom of cold, if it occurs it is only in a mild form; very common symptom of influenza (38-40 °C).
- Pain and general malaise: a rare symptom of the cold; a common symptom of influenza usually manifested by muscle pain.
- Other: a common symptom of a cold is sneezing the first few days; tiredness, shivering and weakness are common symptoms of influenza.
- Duration: a cold usually lasts 5-7 days, but can last up to 14 days in some situations; the duration of the flu is in most cases 10 days.
What are the remedies for treating a cold?
There are no immediate cures for colds, but rest could certainly alleviate the symptoms. One of the most annoying symptoms of a cold is often a stuffy nose that prevents normal, calm breathing, so we recommend:
It is important to rest, maintain good personal hygiene practices (wash your hands regularly to avoid infecting other people), drink plenty of fluids and eat healthily.
Don't forget to consult your family doctor if symptoms persist or worsen after 7-10 days to rule out sinusitis or allergies.
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