Summer and the sun: tips for safe exposure

Wellness · Disorder

Reading time: about 3 minutes

Summer has arrived and, as every year, we ask ourselves the question of how to expose ourselves to the sun in the most correct way. Whether at the beach, in the mountains, at the swimming pool or while exercising, it is right to be concerned about how to sunbathe in the most appropriate and correct way.

The sun, in fact, can be an enemy and at the same time a strong ally because it is a source of wellbeing for our organism from which we must not hide completely but learn to live with it and take it in the safest way.

The truth is that exposure to UVA and UVB radiation is the main cause of melanoma and protective measures must be taken seriously. To protect yourself from sun damage, it is not enough to put on sunscreen a few times and wear a hat.

Let's discover together the good rules for a safe tan.

  1. Apply a sun filter: the sun filter should be chosen according to your phototype, so for example those with a light complexion, eyes and hair should use a high-protection sun cream, 50 or 50+ on all exposed areas, paying particular attention to sensitive areas such as the face, neck, shoulders and ears.
  2. Apply sunscreen in an adequate amount: it is recommended to put sunscreen in an adequate amount to reach the SPF (sun protection factor) indicated on the packaging.
  3. Reapply the sunscreen every 2 hours: it is important to reapply the sunscreen about every 2 hours, especially after intensive physical activity or after swimming, and this also applies to so-called waterproof sunscreens.
  4. Avoid the central hours of the day: you can expose yourself more safely when the UV rays are less intense, i.e. between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m. and after 4 p.m. in the afternoon, always applying sunscreen.
  5. Use supplements: it would be good to take specific supplements or antioxidants to prepare the skin for sun exposure. Supplements should be taken at least one month before you start sunbathing and for the entire period of exposure.
  6. In case of prolonged exposure, use additional protective clothing such as cover-ups, long-sleeved shirts and light trousers.
  7. Beware of circumstances that reduce the perception of danger: altitude, slightly cloudy skies, reflective surfaces (snow, sand, water), fresh wind.
  8. Drinking plenty of water regularly is important, especially during periods of intense sunshine that can dehydrate our bodies. Special attention should be paid to the elderly, who may feel less thirsty, and to young children, who need more water and have less efficient thermoregulation.

Do not forget to apply sun cream also on the ears, nose and head.

People often ignore to protect certain areas of the body that it is important not to overlook. These include small but sensitive areas such as the ears, nose or head, especially for people suffering from alopecia. It is important to apply sunscreen to these areas too, every two hours, after bathing and after an intense physical activity. Otherwise sunburn is just around the corner!

Finally, don't forget to keep your sun creams in a cool, dry place as much as possible, not directly exposed to the sun in the middle of the day, so as not to run the risk of them losing their effectiveness.

Respecting sun exposure guidelines, choosing the right sunscreen and applying it correctly will allow you to get the benefits of the sun without putting your health at risk.

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