Stuffy nose in maternity, the signs of pregnancy rhinitis


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Did you know that around 60 per cent of pregnant women experience a stuffy nose without necessarily having a cold or allergies? This phenomenon is known as pregnancy rhinitis and generally occurs in the second stage of gestation, during the last 6 weeks or more, and is caused by hormonal changes in the pregnant woman's body.

First of all, it is important to reassure: pregnancy rhinitis does not pose a risk to the pregnancy or the coming baby, however it can be annoying, especially if the symptoms are intense and long-lasting. In this article we will explore the symptoms and causes behind pregnancy rhinitis, share remedies and practical tips for treating it and improving comfort during this sensitive period.

What are the most common symptoms of pregnancy rhinitis?

Among the most common symptoms experienced by patients suffering from pregnancy rhinitis are:

  • Persistent stuffy nose: nasal breathing obstruction is caused by the enlargement of tissues inside the nose called turbinates.
  • Difficulty perceiving smells.
  • Nasal stuffiness and continuous sneezing.
  • Runny nose.
  • Feeling of heaviness in the nose and itching.

Fortunately, the symptoms are often transitory and tend to improve rapidly immediately after birth, only in rare cases the condition is persistent over time.

Possible causes of pregnancy rhinitis.

Doctors agree that it is possible to speak of pregnancy rhinitis in the presence of nasal congestion occurring in the absence of other indications of respiratory tract infection (whether viral or bacterial) or causes of allergic origin.

Hormones, oestrogen and progesterone, are responsible for gestational rhinitis: these hormones are said to have an effect on the increased vascularisation and glandular secretions that cause the nasal mucosa to swell and become congested. Gestational rhinitis thus seems to be a consequence of the natural hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy.

During pregnancy, the body also produces more blood, which can cause an increase in the size of the mucous membranes in the nose. This can lead to nasal congestion, resulting in the production of watery secretions.

Finally, it would be useful to keep an eye on some factors that can make pregnancy rhinitis even more annoying, such as cigarette smoke, exposure to pollen and mites. These are known to be irritants and could aggravate the symptoms of the condition.

Useful tips for relieving the discomfort of pregnancy rhinitis, without the use of medication.

Unfortunately, there is no definitive cure for pregnancy rhinitis, as it is caused by hormones. Furthermore, the use of antihistamines or medication is not recommended during pregnancy. Here are some good tips to alleviate the discomfort associated with pregnancy rhinitis:

  • Nasal washes: performing nasal washes with plenty of saline solution seems to be one of the most effective treatments. They can be carried out morning and evening to keep the nasal mucosa as clean and decongested as possible. Saline solution, even better if enriched with Hyaluronic Acid, clears the airways and relieves nasal congestion. It favours the release of mucus and facilitates decongestion of the nose in cases of persistent nasal obstruction.
  • Products with hyaluronic acid: this component helps hydrate the nasal mucosa and fluidify secretions.
  • Steam baths: breathing warm steam can help to clear a blocked nose.
  • Exercise.
  • During the night, use two pillows to keep your head elevated to decrease the discomfort of nasal congestion and a humidifier to relieve dryness in the airways.
  • Avoiding irritants such as cigarette smoke, strong chemicals or strong perfumes can help prevent worsening of symptoms.
  • Avoid exposure to risk factors such as pollen and dust.

If the symptoms of pregnancy-related rhinitis become very unpleasant and persistent, it is important to consult your doctor. He or she will do investigations to rule out other possible conditions and find effective solutions to manage the symptoms, thus improving quality of life.

Product Line

Balsamic Patch Otosan

Gives relief from stuffy nose symptoms quickly and naturally.

The Otosan Balsamic Patch natural aromatherapy plasters can be easily applied to clothes and objects next to you. They gently release aromatic and active vapours, with an effect on the upper airways.

Suitable for adults and children, starting from 3 years of age.

They soothe nasal congestion, promoting the proper passage of air through the nose, during the day and while sleeping at night.

The pack includes 7 patches.

Autorizzazione Ministero della Salute del 29.05.12

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Product Line

Nasal Spray Baby Otosan

Promotes the expulsion of excess mucus, helping to reduce nasal congestion and inflammation.

The result of our ongoing research in the field of otolaryngology, Otosan® Nasal Spray Baby is a nasal decongestant made with ingredients of plant origin, with a gentle formula that makes this product suitable for children.

Free from vasoconstrictors and propellant gases.

Autorizzazione Ministero della Salute del 29.05.12

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It is a CE medical device.
Read the instructions for use carefully.

Product Line

Nasal Spray Forte Otosan

Natural nasal spray with decongestant action useful for clearing a blocked nose.

Otosan Nasal Spray® arose from our constant and deep committment to develop natural products capable to offer a solution to several ENT conditions, which can often affect ears and nose at the same time.

Free from vasoconstrictors

Autorizzazione Ministero della Salute del 29.05.12

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It is a CE medical device.
Read the instructions for use carefully.

Product Line

Nasal Wash Otosan

Nasal wash ideal for daily nose hygiene and as a treatment for allergies, colds and sinusitis.

Otosan® Nasal Wash is useful in case of:

  • nasal congestion;
  • cold or allergic rhinitis;
  • acute and chronic sinusitis;
  • hypertrophic rhinitis during pregnancy;
  • snoring at night;
  • staying in dry or polluted environments;
  • exposure to fumes and irritants;
  • surgery (before and after);
  • daily cleansing of the nasal cavities.

Since it is constantly in contact with a large number of allergens, impurities and polluting dusts, keeping the nose clean and clear is the first step to prevent alterations of the mucous membrane of the nose (blocked nose, itching and dryness) and to allow correct airflow in the respiratory tract.

Autorizzazione Ministero della Salute del 29.05.12

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It is a CE medical device.
Read the instructions for use carefully.

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