Seawater and its benefits for the body


Reading time: about 3 minutes

Summer automatically makes us think of holidays, long days of hot weather, the beach and lots of swimming in the sea for fun, relaxation and health. But why do we talk about health related to seawater? The benefits are many, let us see them together.

First of all, salt water from the sea is an excellent ally for our skin because, thanks to its composition rich in minerals and nutrients, it not only helps to cleanse the skin and fight infections and other ailments, but also makes it more radiant and glowing.

Seawater and minerals for healthier and more beautiful skin.

The various minerals in seawater help improve the function of the skin barrier and promote skin hydration, let's look at some of them:

  • Magnesium: magnesium can help maintain skin elasticity and promote healing of skin lesions.
  • Iodine: iodine is famous for its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that can be helpful in treating skin problems such as acne and dermatitis.
  • Sulphur: traces of sulphur are present in seawater, which can help cleanse the skin and reduce excess sebum, helping to treat acne.
  • Sodium: the salt naturally present in seawater has gentle exfoliating properties on the skin, removing dead cells and giving radiance. It also purifies, detoxifies and smoothes the skin in depth, protecting it from external aggression.

Calcium, chlorine and bromine are also substances that have a disinfectant, antiseptic and antifungal action and thus help to fight and prevent infection and inflammation.

The real benefits of seawater on the body.

Here are the main benefits that seawater brings to the skin:

  • Improved circulation: seawater stimulates circulation.
  • Anti-inflammatory properties.
  • Wound healing.
  • Moisturising.
  • Natural exfoliation.

Seawater: acne and dermatitis.

  • Acne: acne is the result of excessive sebum production that accumulates in the skin pores, causing them to become blocked. This obstruction of the pores encourages the proliferation of bacteria, which in turn causes inflammation. Even in this situation, seawater can be an effective natural remedy as its mineral salts possess anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties that can help reduce the inflammation and infection associated with acne.
  • Dermatitis: dermatitis is a common condition characterised by inflammation of the skin. The causes can be as diverse as allergies, infections, irritations or autoimmune conditions. Symptoms of dermatitis can vary depending on the cause and include itching, redness, dryness, scaling and scab formation.

Salt water has beneficial effects on acne and dermatitis because it reduces inflammation, thus redness, swelling and itching. It also helps fight infection and keeps the skin hydrated, reducing dryness and flaking. Finally, it has an exfoliating effect and can remove dead skin cells, promoting cell regeneration.

What is important to do after bathing to fully benefit from the properties of water?

To obtain all the benefits of seawater, it is essential to rinse the body and face thoroughly with fresh water after each bath because the salt crystals present in seawater increase the effect of the sun's rays, acting as small mirrors that favour dehydration of the skin.

After a day at the beach under the sun, the use of soothing and regenerating creams to moisturise and tone the body is fully recommended.

The benefits of seawater can also be felt when you have a cold, as it is excellent for decongesting nasal mucous membranes.

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