Irritated pharynx and a wheezing cough, the link


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Persistent, wheezing cough? An irritated pharynx could be to blame!

Inflammation of this delicate area of the throat is one of the main reasons why we often suffer from an annoying cough. The body reacts to inflammation with the cough reflex, which serves to expel those germs, bacteria or viruses that have inflamed our airways.

Despite being a defence mechanism, coughing, especially if it is frequent, is quite annoying. To soothe and counteract this phenomenon, syrups with natural ingredients that create a ‘protective film’ over the inflamed mucous membrane, allowing the pharynx to be protected and to recover as best it can, are available on the market. Let's find out more about the link between pharynx and cough.

Coughing is a physiological phenomenon that our body uses to defend itself against irritants, infections or other substances that could compromise our well-being.
But where exactly does a cough come from? The pharynx is a muscular cavity located in the throat and is one of the crucial organs for the generation of coughing. Inflammation in this area can easily lead to annoying and persistent episodes.

The pharynx, located at the back of the throat, is a structure that performs several essential functions, including allowing air to pass to the lungs and conducting food to the oesophagus. When the pharynx is exposed to irritants such as viruses, bacteria, dust or chemicals, it becomes inflamed. This inflammation can alter the normal functioning of the pharynx and cause irritation that stimulates the cough reflex.
Coughing in these cases is a protective response of the body to eliminate or expel the irritant. When the pharynx is inflamed, its nerve endings are sensitive and can be easily stimulated, causing the uncontrollable urge to cough. This is a defensive mechanism that, unfortunately, if it becomes persistent, can prove annoying and debilitating.

Inflammation of the pharynx, manifested as pharyngitis, can result from a number of factors.
Viral infections such as the common cold or flu are among the main causes, but bacterial infections, exposure to irritants such as smoke, pollution or dust, and even gastro-oesophageal reflux can also trigger an inflammatory reaction in this area.
When the pharynx is irritated, other symptoms besides a cough may be experienced, such as a sore throat, difficulty swallowing, and a feeling of dryness or itching. The resulting cough may be dry or oily, depending on the severity of the inflammation and the underlying cause.

To prevent or reduce inflammation of the pharynx and its annoying effects, it is essential to use remedies that can soothe and protect this delicate area. Some products are specifically formulated to create a protective barrier over the pharyngeal mucosa, helping to calm irritation and reduce the need to cough.
Products containing natural extracts, such as Manuka honey, Grindelia and Plantain, are particularly effective in soothing the throat mucosa. These ingredients have emollient and anti-inflammatory properties that, by acting on the mucous membrane of the pharynx, reduce inflammation and improve the throat's resistance to irritants. In addition, some syrups are able to create a kind of ‘protective film’ lining the pharynx, reducing friction and alleviating discomfort.
In the case of a persistent cough, the use of these remedies can offer quick and lasting relief, allowing the pharynx to recover without the risk of further irritation. It is always advisable to choose products that act in a targeted and gentle manner so as not to further damage the mucosa and to ensure maximum benefit.

In conclusion, therefore, we can sum up that a cough is often a symptom of inflammation of the pharynx that the body uses to defend itself. However, when it becomes persistent, it is essential to take care of the throat to reduce irritation and the risk of complications.
Choosing natural and protective remedies can make a big difference, helping to restore the wellbeing of the pharynx and reduce the discomfort caused by coughing.
In this way, our body can regain its balance, breathe freely and, above all, get rid of the cough.

Product Line

ForTuss Cough Syrup Otosan

Syrup suitable for soothing coughs, both dry and oily, for adults and children.

ForTuss Otosan Cough Syrup has been developed as an adjuvant for treating dry and productive coughs whilst also providing hydration of mucus and its natural discharge thanks to its functional ingredients: Manuka Honey, Organic Wildflower Honey and plant molecular complexes.

ForTuss is suitable for adults and children (from one year of age). It creates a protective layer that adheres to the irritated mucosa, creating fast relief.

Autorizzazione Ministero della Salute del 29.05.12

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