Having a stuffed nose hurts more than you think

Reading time: about 3 minutes
Breathing poorly: an annoying condition that afflicts many, certainly not dangerous, but the negative effects on everyday life can be wider than commonly thought, especially when the condition becomes chronic. Let's look at the causes and remedies together.
The causes of poor nasal respiration are many.
The most common is the obstructive one due to an inflammation of the mucous membranes or the presence of mucus. However, there are also anatomical causes due to particular constitutions of the airways that do not allow one to breathe correctly, for example a deviated nasal septum.
But what are the problems that not being able to breathe through the nose can lead to?
Having a blocked nose forces one to breathe through the mouth, which is not at all healthy for our organism.
Breathing through the mouth, in fact, introduces unfiltered air into our body (which does not happen with nasal breathing as there are certain characteristics in our body that allow us to filter air) which can carry dust or other irritants that cause burning, dry throat or coughing.
In addition, in allergy sufferers, breathing with the mouth open can cause allergies to exacerbate as allergens can enter directly into the oral cavity.
The most important factor to consider when talking about problems related to poor breathing, however, is the occurrence of particular diseases. Those who breathe mainly if not exclusively through the mouth are more prone to developing diseases of the first airways. One thinks in particular of seasonal or allergic colds, chronic sinusitis and inflammation of the oral mucosa.
These pathologies, if left untreated, can then degenerate into real disorders of more delicate organs, such as the lungs, sometimes even affecting the heart.
A stuffy nose can also impair sleep quality, causing disorders such as snoring or sleep apnoea. These problems reduce oxygenation of the blood and can lead to chronic fatigue and difficulty concentrating.
Very often, therefore, one thinks of a stuffy nose as an almost normal condition, which by waiting will pass. However, we have ascertained that it is not a panacea for our organism and it is advisable to act as soon as possible to restore an all-round state of well-being.
But how can we get rid of a stuffy nose?
The most common are nasal sprays based on vasoconstrictive substances. Be careful, however, as these should be used sparingly. Nasal sprays with vasoconstrictors, which are pharmacological substances, should be used sparingly as they can have serious side effects and can be addictive, and they should also not be used by children and heart patients.
An alternative solution is the use of saline solutions or sprays based on sea water and natural plant substances, which help to decongest the nasal passages gently, removing mucus and impurities. Wraps or inhalations with vapours enriched with essential oils can also help, always taking care to use them according to the label.
These types of natural solutions, being free of side effects, are suitable for adults and children and can also be used for prolonged use.
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