Dry cough or big cough? Here's how to recognise and deal with the differences


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Coughing is one of the most common symptoms in the world. But have you ever wondered what the difference between a dry cough and a big cough is? Let's find out together!

A cough is a reaction caused by irritation of the throat or respiratory tract and serves to clear irritants, fluids and phlegm from the respiratory system. But coughing is not always the same.

We frequently hear about dry and big coughs; it is essential to know the different causes and how to recognise them in order to be able to choose the most suitable remedies to improve symptoms and alleviate discomfort.

What is the difference between a dry cough and a big cough?

The two types of cough are distinguished by one fundamental element: the presence of mucus.

  • Big cough: defined by a large amount of mucus that turns into phlegm and is therefore also called a productive cough.
  • Dry cough: also called a non-productive cough as it does not lead to the formation of phlegm.

Characteristics and causes of the big cough.

Mucus is a natural substance that accumulates subtly in the respiratory tract. Its role is to ensure lubrication of the respiratory tract and protect it from external agents. It is a powerful protective system that helps expel harmful particles or microorganisms from the respiratory system.

Normally, our body regulates mucus production to maintain an adequate level in the respiratory tract. In the case of respiratory diseases, the body increases mucus production. In addition, mucus becomes thicker to effectively capture germs.

When this phenomenon occurs, we refer to phlegm, the presence of mucus that obstructs the airways and also activates coughing as a form of defence. The result is a big or productive cough due to the presence of mucus, which is the body's way of eliminating irritants.

In addition, the big cough is characterised by the typical ‘noise’ caused by the presence of phlegm, which makes the cough sound darker.

A big cough can be caused by several factors such as:

  • Respiratory infections (such as colds, bronchitis and pneumonia).
  • Chronic lung conditions.
  • Presence of a heart condition.

Characteristics and causes of dry cough.

During a dry cough, there is no production of phlegm. However, the sensation associated with this cough is unpleasant. This is because without the mucus acting as a protective layer, the surface cells of the airways are exposed and cause that unpleasant ‘scratchy’ feeling associated with a dry cough.

Generally, a dry cough manifests itself with strong inhalations and convulsive coughing fits that persist for a long time. In this situation, a dry cough occurs mainly in the upper airways, where mucus production is limited.

A dry cough can be caused by several factors such as:

  • Presence of irritants in the environment.
  • Asthma and allergies.
  • Viral infections, especially of the upper respiratory tract (such as sinusitis, pharyngitis and tracheitis).
  • Gastro-oesophageal reflux.

Remedies for dry cough and big cough.

Methods to alleviate dry and big coughs are different because in dry coughs the priority is to try to calm the cough and reduce irritation of the airways, while in big coughs it is important to exert a mucolytic action to reduce the presence of phlegm in the airways, facilitating its expulsion.

  • Syrups with soothing properties.
  • Lozenges or throat sprays with sedative and fluidifying action: if left to dissolve in the mouth, they can soothe the throat and moisturise it, very useful in the presence of a dry cough.
  • Emollients such as honey, glycerol, liquorice, to reduce the itching.
  • Humidifiers that keep the respiratory tract hydrated and reduce discomfort.

There are some remedies, both natural and pharmacological, that can help treat the cough problem. However, if you have any doubts or a persistent cough, it is always a good idea to consult your doctor to make sure you are on the right track with the treatment.

Product Line

ForTuss Cough Syrup Otosan

Syrup suitable for soothing coughs, both dry and oily, for adults and children.

ForTuss Otosan Cough Syrup has been developed as an adjuvant for treating dry and productive coughs whilst also providing hydration of mucus and its natural discharge thanks to its functional ingredients: Manuka Honey, Organic Wildflower Honey and plant molecular complexes.

ForTuss is suitable for adults and children (from one year of age). It creates a protective layer that adheres to the irritated mucosa, creating fast relief.

Autorizzazione Ministero della Salute del 29.05.12

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Product Line

Throat Gel Forte Otosan

Protects the mucosa from the irritating action of external agents, providing a lasting sensation of relief.

Otosan Throat Gel Forte is a product for relieving symptoms associated with throat irritation.

Thanks to its special gel formula, it forms a mucoadhesive film active in the pharyngeal and laryngeal tract, which protects the mucosa from the irritating action of external agents, providing long-lasting relief.

With 14 stick pack.

Autorizzazione Ministero della Salute del 29.05.12

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It is a CE medical device.
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Product Line

Throat Spray Forte Otosan

To promote throat well-being and provide a feeling of freshness and relief.

Otosan Throat Spray Forte is a product specifically created to favour the wellbeing of the throat and provide speedy relief for:

  • irritation and burning of the oropharyngeal mucosa;
  • painful swallowing;
  • hoarseness accompanied by a dry cough;
  • dryness of the oropharynx caused by external irritants or environmental factors (sudden changes in humidity and temperature, passive smoking).

Autorizzazione Ministero della Salute del 29.05.12

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It is a CE medical device.
Read the instructions for use carefully.

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