Our aim is to spread awareness about ear, nose and throat wellness by promoting a healthy and intentional lifestyle.
Otosan magazine. Wellness

Microbiota: your best ally during the Christmas holidays
Eating is and should be a pleasure and the time of year when we are most likely to enjoy food in...
Reading time: about 3 minutes

How to boost the immune system during autumn
The change of season, especially the transition from summer to autumn, involves unstable weather...
Reading time: about 3 minutes

Summer and the sun: tips for safe exposure
Summer has arrived and, as every year, we ask ourselves the question of how to expose ourselves...
Reading time: about 3 minutes

Seawater and its benefits for the body
Summer automatically makes us think of holidays, long days of hot weather, the beach and lots of...
Reading time: about 3 minutes

To whom are nasal washes recommended?
Taking care of nasal hygiene plays a crucial role in personal well-being, both from a hygienic...
Reading time: about 3 minutes

What are vibratile cilia and why is their movement important?
Ciliary movements are crucial for the health of the nose and respiratory passages as they...
Reading time: about 2 minutes