Otosan magazine. Disorder

Our aim is to spread awareness about ear, nose and throat wellness by promoting a healthy and intentional lifestyle.


A stuffy nose? Can you play sport?

A stuffy nose is a common condition that can result from a cold, allergies or sinusitis. One of...

Reading time: about 3 minutes

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Irritated pharynx and a wheezing cough, the link

Persistent, wheezing cough? An irritated pharynx could be to blame! Inflammation of this...

Reading time: about 3 minutes

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7 signs that indicate vitamin deficiency

Vitamins are organic compounds that are essential for the proper functioning of our organism;...

Reading time: about 2 minutes

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Why are ear disorders increasingly common?

In recent decades, ear disorders have become increasingly common among people of all ages....

Reading time: about 2 minutes

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Why we have a sore throat (almost always) in winter?

A sore throat is probably one of the most annoying conditions the body can suffer from. It is...

Reading time: about 3 minutes

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Natural ingredients · Disorder

Why ear washing is important

Everyone knows the importance of washing their hands, but far fewer people know the benefits of...

Reading time: about 2 minutes

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