Betaglucans: what they are and why they are important for the nose

Reading time: about 3 minutes
Betaglucans: a peculiar word that we have probably heard very few times, yet we deal with these substances every day and they can be very important for our organism.
Betaglucans are natural polysaccharides found in various sources such as mushrooms, whole grains (e.g. oats and barley), algae and yeasts.
Chemically, they are complex carbohydrates, classified as soluble fibres. They differ according to their molecular structure and the source from which they originate. For example, betaglucans derived from oats differ in structure from those obtained from fungi and yeasts (the former have a linear structure, the latter a more branched one).
Betaglucans are mainly used in nutrition and diet therapy as scientific studies have shown excellent properties such as reduced cholesterol, improved glycaemic profile, more effective insulin response and increased satiety in low-calorie diets.
The uniqueness of beta-glucans, however, lies in the fact that their usefulness is not just limited to the nutritional field but have proven to be excellent allies of our entire organism from the immune system to the most localised tissues.
Betaglucans share a common characteristic: the ability to modulate the immune system.
This ability is very well reflected in the protection and care of the nose and first airways, let's see how.
First of all, the nose is one of the body's first lines of defence against pathogens such as viruses and bacteria. Betaglucans, when applied locally or taken, stimulate the activation of macrophages and dendritic cells, two key elements of the immune system. This strengthens the nose's ability to fight respiratory infections and limit the proliferation of harmful agents.
Another beneficial feature of beta-glucans is their soothing and moisturising effect, which is best activated as the nose is often a victim of dryness, especially during the winter months or in air-conditioned environments. Due to their ability to retain water, beta-glucans help keep the nasal mucosa hydrated. This not only improves comfort, but also helps preserve the integrity of the mucosal barrier, reducing vulnerability to external attacks.
Finally, it is important to mention how beta-glucans offer excellent protection against allergies as they have anti-inflammatory properties that can help calm the excessive immune response, thus reducing symptoms such as congestion, sneezing and itching.
But how can we take these beta-glucans?
They can be taken in different forms, depending on requirements. Food supplements, available in capsules or powders, are among the most common ways and are generally derived from mushrooms, yeasts or cereals such as oats.
Nutritionally, foods rich in beta-glucans, such as oats, barley and mushrooms, can be integrated into the daily diet.
With regard to respiratory health, nasal sprays containing beta-glucans are particularly suitable for moisturising the mucous membranes, creating a protective barrier and strengthening the local immune defences. These products are often formulated to be gentle and can be used both when needed, such as during a cold, and for daily prevention. There are also sprays specially formulated to be taken in paediatric age.
In conclusion, beta-glucans represent a natural and innovative solution for health, particularly that of the nose, thanks to their immunomodulating, moisturising and protective properties.
Used regularly, they can significantly improve the well-being of the nasal passages, reducing the risk of infection, soothing allergies and counteracting dryness.
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