A stuffy nose? Can you play sport?


Reading time: about 3 minutes

A stuffy nose is a common condition that can result from a cold, allergies or sinusitis.
One of the most frequently asked questions when one is in this condition is whether it is possible to play sport or whether it is better to avoid any exertion. In reality, it all depends on the cause of the nasal congestion and the intensity of the activity. If the stuffy nose is due to a simple cold or a mild allergy, physical activity can be practised without any particular problem, as long as low- or moderate-intensity sports are chosen. However, if the congestion is accompanied by more severe symptoms such as fever, general malaise or breathlessness, it is advisable to take a break and give the body time to recover.
In principle, therefore, practising sport with a stuffy nose is possible and can even be, as we shall see, an effective means of combating this annoying situation.

The causes of a blocked nose can be many, but the main problem almost always lies in an inflammation of the nasal mucous membranes that leads to an excessive production of mucus. Colds, allergies or viral infections such as the common cold are the main causes of this condition.
When the nose is stuffy, breathing becomes difficult and one often gets used to inhaling through the mouth. This is not ideal, as the air is not filtered and humidified as with nasal breathing, increasing the risk of irritation of the throat and airways.

This condition leads to a feeling of discomfort in everyday life, which may lead one to think of avoiding certain activities such as sport, either because of a difficulty in performing it or as a form of prevention against worsening the situation.
In reality, moderate sporting activity can prove to be a valuable ally in decongesting the nasal passages. How?

  1. Vasodilating effect of physical activity
    During exercise, the body produces adrenalin, a substance that has a natural vasoconstricting effect on inflamed nasal mucous membranes. This means that the nostrils clear more easily and breathing can improve after just a few minutes of activity.
  2. Improved oxygenation of the body
    Initially, one may experience greater difficulty in breathing, but as the minutes pass, the body adapts, improving lung capacity and promoting deeper breathing.
  3. Expelling mucus
    Physical movement helps to loosen mucus, facilitating its expulsion and helping to clear the airways.

Sport, as we have seen, is therefore an activity that brings benefits in the case of a stuffy nose and there are, in particular, certain activities of moderate intensity that can be particularly beneficial
For example, brisk walking or light trekking outdoors allows a good respiratory rhythm to be maintained without excessive fatigue. Cycling at a moderate pace is also an excellent alternative, as it stimulates circulation without stressing the respiratory system.
Finally, swimming is one of the best choices, as the moisture in the water helps to clear the nasal passages, facilitating breathing and reducing congestion.

Doing sports with a stuffed nose even if, as we have seen, it helps to clear it initially can be tricky, so if the stuffy nose is not accompanied by serious symptoms, there are several remedies that can help to clear the airways and allow you to practice sport more comfortably.
The use of decongestant nasal sprays with saline solutions can help to reduce the swelling of the mucous membranes and help clear the nasal cavities naturally and without side effects.
Balsamic sticks and essential oils based on menthol and eucalyptus, which give a pleasant sensation of freshness and facilitate the passage of air, can also help.
Nasal patches, which widen the nostrils and improve airflow, can be another effective solution, as can balsamic ointments or patches applied to the chest.

In conclusion, a stuffy nose does not necessarily stop your physical activity; on the contrary, in many cases sport can be a valuable aid in clearing the airways and feeling better.

Product Line

Balsamic Patch Otosan

Gives relief from stuffy nose symptoms quickly and naturally.

The Otosan Balsamic Patch natural aromatherapy plasters can be easily applied to clothes and objects next to you. They gently release aromatic and active vapours, with an effect on the upper airways.

Suitable for adults and children, starting from 3 years of age.

They soothe nasal congestion, promoting the proper passage of air through the nose, during the day and while sleeping at night.

The pack includes 7 patches.

Autorizzazione Ministero della Salute del 29.05.12

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Product Line

Nasal Spray Forte Otosan

Natural nasal spray with decongestant action useful for clearing a blocked nose.

Otosan Nasal Spray® arose from our constant and deep committment to develop natural products capable to offer a solution to several ENT conditions, which can often affect ears and nose at the same time.

Free from vasoconstrictors

Autorizzazione Ministero della Salute del 29.05.12

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It is a CE medical device.
Read the instructions for use carefully.

Product Line

Nasal Fresh Otosan

Aromatherapy stick inhalator 100% natural essential oils

Aromatherapy nasal inhalator stick Otosan Nasal Fresh is a practical stick based on Eucalyptus essential oil, Menthol and Camphor that gives an immediate sensation of well-being.

Aromatherapy nasal inhalator stick Otosan is suitable for adults and children, starting from 3 years of age.

Place the stick close to the nose and inhale deeply, the refreshing and balsamic vapours provide a burst of freshness.

Pack of 1 freshly fragranced nasal stick.

Autorizzazione Ministero della Salute del 29.05.12

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