A delegation of Kurdish doctors visiting Otosan

Χρόνος διαβασματός: λιγότερο από 1 λεπτό
Forlì, 09/23/2022 - A delegation of Kurdish doctors visited the Otosan headquarters in Forlì. Intense two days of Congress, last Thursday and Friday, when Otosan welcomed a delegation of ten ENT specialists. Success for the seminar organized for the occasion, which had the ENT medical team very involved.
Interest shown also for the latest innovations presented in the field of Immunostimolant solutions. As a result of the Covid-19 epidemic, has greatly increased the demand for substances that can stimulate the body’s immune defenses, enhancing the ability to fight infections.
Meeting this demand the latest line of immunostimulant food supplements from Otosan, Immunix3 chewable tablets and Immunix3 syrup for Children. This products naturally supports the physiological function of the immune system.
Otosan entered the Iraqi market several years ago, gaining a very positive response thanks to the excellent cooperation with the local business partner.
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