Otosan Meeting in Azerbaijan

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Χρόνος διαβασματός: λιγότερο από 1 λεπτό

Baku – 15th January 2018 – From Jan 15 to Jan 17, In Azerbaijan, a crowded audience of otolaryngologist and pharmacists took part in the “informational days”. On this occasion, the 8 lines of products developed by Otosan, specifically studied to solve ENT related diseases, have been introduced.


The event was held in Baku, the capital city of Azerbaijan, where more than one hundred among professionals, university professors and health experts were invited to participate. On this occasion, Otosan business policies and manufacturing decisions have been highlighted, with a specific focus on the health and on the environment engagement.


Since the beginning, Otosan has been inspired by nature. The company is mainly focused on the developement of natural products, whose formulations are obtained after a deep study of medicinal herbs, in order to provide a first natural approach to health diseases.


Otosan products have been introduced in the Azerbaijiani market just recently, and they are mainly sold in pharmacies. The number of doctors and specialists that suggest to use Otosan products is increasing day by day.


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