Sinusitis, typical symptoms and main remedies


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Sinusitis, or inflammation of the sinuses, is one of the topics in otolaryngology about which the most urban legends circulate. All it takes is a severe cold and a headache to point to sinusitis as the culprit and often resort to the use of antibiotics. But we are not always on the right track. Let's understand a little more.

Contrary to what many people think sinusitis, or rather rhinosinusitis, should not be treated by default with antibiotics because in most cases it is viral in origin. In fact, it is usually caused by viruses, and only in some cases are bacteria guilty from the onset of the disease.

What is rhinosinusitis?

As the term suggests, it is an inflammation of the nose and sinuses, air-filled cavities carved into the bones of the face, all communicating with the nose. It is always preceded by nasal pathology, typically a cold, which extends to the sinuses, inflaming and swelling the membranes that line them so much that they obstruct the small passages that connect them to the nose and cause pain and inflammation. Obstruction of the sinuses also promotes the stagnation of mucus, which can become polluted with germs. Unfortunately, it often happens that it is underestimated and not properly treated, thus increasing the risk of relapse (in such cases we talk about recurrent sinusitis) and becoming a chronic problem.

What are the typical symptoms?

First, acute sinusitis should be suspected when a cold lasts more than a couple of weeks. Characteristic symptoms are a stuffy nose, discharge of phlegm from the nose, and, depending on the inflamed sinus, a sense of pressure in the face when bending over, pain in the forehead, eyes, nose and cheekbones, and/or upper dental arch. When sinusitis becomes chronic, in addition to nasal obstruction and nose bleeding, there may be other complaints such as descent of phlegm down the throat and subsequent coughing (the lungs are healthy though), sense of pressure to the face, and a decreased sense of smell and taste.

How is the diagnosis made?

Diagnosis is based on symptoms and observation of the nasal cavities with the fibroscope, a special fiber-optic instrument capable of collecting a high-quality photographic record of the areas. When the suspicion that the inflammation is now chronic intervenes, it is useful to do a CT scan and possibly allergy tests and an allergic component is hypothesized. Finally, in the rare cases when a granuloma is evident, a biopsy should be done.

Sinusitis: remedies.

Always helpful are nasal washes, inhaled steroids, and nasal sprays of natural origin that act as decongestants. If symptoms suggest bacterial sinusitis, which is usually recognized because it tends to worsen after the first ten days, antibiotic treatment is used. Antibiotic treatment can also be considered for critical forms: in these cases, special low-dose antibiotics are used, usually to be taken for twelve weeks. This approach often leads to good results, with reduced levels of inflammatory cytokines. Only in selected cases is surgery performed endoscopically through the nasal passages used. This type of surgery can give fair immediate benefits, but patients often experience subsequent relapses.

What about children?

Many people think that sinusitis is a disease that is the preserve of adults and therefore does not afflict children; this is actually not the case. Children, until they are about 10-12 years old, cannot develop only frontal sinusitis, because the frontal sinuses are not yet formed. However, the ethmoidal and maxillary sinuses can become inflamed.


If sinusitis is neglected and not properly treated, you run the risk not only of it becoming chronic, but also of complications. The infectious process could, in fact, extend to the internal cavities of the skull (intercranial) or extracranial (orbits). In the former case, accesses could form or even meningitis could occur. If the orbits are affected, one risks orbital cellulitis, which is an acute inflammation affecting the periorbital fatty tissue, or bone complications, such as osteomyelitis of the frontal sinus.

Fortunately, today, thanks to increasingly refined diagnostic techniques, broad-spectrum antibiotics, and careful surgery when necessary, complications have become very rare.

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Produktlinie NASE

Otosan Natürliches Aromapflaster

Lindert schnell und natürlich die Symptome einer verstopften Nase.

Balsamic Patch Otosan sind die neuen natürlichen Aromatherapiepflaster, die bei direkter Anwendung auf der Kleidung oder umliegenden Gegenständen nach und nach ihre wohltuenden Aktivdämpfe für die Atemwege freisetzen.

Die Pflaster sind für Erwachsene und Kinder ab 3 Jahren geeignet und lindern die Symptome einer verstopften Nase, indem sie sowohl tagsüber als auch in der Nacht den korrekten Luftdurchgang in den Atemwegen fördern.

Packung mit 7 Pflastern.

Autorizzazione Ministero della Salute del 29.05.12

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Produktlinie NASE

Otosan Nasal Spray Baby

Fördert den Abtransport von überschüssigem Schleim und hilft, verstopfte Nasen und Entzündungen zu lindern.

Otosan® Nasal Spray Baby ist das Ergebnis unserer unermüdlichen Forschung im Bereich der HNO-Heilkunde. Es handelt sich um ein Mittel zur Abschwellung der Nasenschleimhaut aus pflanzlichen Zutaten, das dank seiner sanften Formel auch für Kleinkinder geeignet ist.

Es enthält weder gefäßverengende Mittel noch Treibgase.

Autorizzazione Ministero della Salute del 29.05.12

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Medizinprodukt mit CE -Kennzeichnung.
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Produktlinie NASE

Otosan Nasal Spray

Natürliches Nasenspray mit abschwellender Wirkung zur Befreiung einer verstopften Nase.

Otosan® Nasal Spray entsteht aus unseren immer größeren Anstrengungen in der Realisierung von pflanzlichen Produkten, die imstande sind, verschiedenen NHO-Beschwerden, die oft auch Nase und Ohr zugleich betreffen, entgegenzuwirken.

Autorizzazione Ministero della Salute del 29.05.12

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Medizinprodukt mit CE -Kennzeichnung.
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Produktlinie NASE

Otosan Nasal Wash

Nasenspülung ideal für die tägliche Nasenhygiene und zur Behandlung von Allergien, Erkältungen und Nasennebenhöhlenentzündungen.

Schafft Linderung:

  • bei verstopfter Nase;
  • bei Erkältungen und allergischer Rhinitis;
  • bei akuter und chronischer Sinusitis;
  • bei hypertrophischer Rhinitis in der Schwangerschaft;
  • beim Schnarchen;
  • in trockener oder verschmutzter Umgebung;
  • bei Rauch oder sonstiger Schadstoff Belastung der Luft.
  • vor und nach chirurgischen Eingriffen;
  • bei täglicher Reinigung der Nasenhöhlen

Die Nase, die ständig im Kontakt mit einer großen Menge von Allergenen, Verunreinigungen und belastenden Pulverstoffen ist, frei und sauber halten ist der erste Schritt, um den Alterationen der Nasenschleimhaut (verstopfte Nase, Jucken, Trockenheit) vorzubeugen und den korrekten Luftdurchzug durch die Atemwege zu ermöglichen.

Autorizzazione Ministero della Salute del 29.05.12

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Medizinprodukt mit CE -Kennzeichnung.
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